Sunday, March 3, 2013

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Rated PG

IMDB Description: "Rescued from the outrageous neglect of his aunt and uncle, a young boy with a great destiny proves his worth while attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Violence: 3 There is very little violence in this film, and the amount that is in the film is usually done with an amount of humor. However, there are a few scenes that are slightly violent

Profanity: 3 If you're an American viewer there is really very little language in this film at all. Maybe one word that comes from one of the students. However, if you're an English viewer there are several more words used that are curse words. Parents should keep an eye out anyway to be sure that their children are not copying the used words in this film in case they are offensive.

Frightening Scenes: 5 Throughout the movie there are several scenes that could be seen as frightening or intense. I do not recommend that children under 13 see this film.

Blood and Gore: 2 There is no real blood or gore in this film. Only some science fiction type blood as well as a ghost who briefly pulls his head off to explain why his nickname is nearly headless nick

Sexuality/Sensuality: 1 There is nothing in this film that parents should be wary of, at least in this category.

Drug/Alcohol Use: 2 One of the main characters is offered his usual at a bar. He declines, there are however other patrons around that are implied to be drinking.

In the first edition to this Series Harry Potter finds out that, he is a wizard and that his parents were killed not in a car crash as he had always been told, but by he who shall not be named, the evil wizard Voldermort. He then finds himself whisked off to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and Wizardry by the giant Hagrid. From there waiting around every bend is a new surprise for Harry as his fame goes before him as the boy who lived. There are twists and turns around every corner with an incredible twist at the end that no one will be expecting.

For a science-fiction/Fantasy film this movie is pretty standard. There are wizards and they use magic. Overall, this film has witty comments, slap stick humor and intense scenes filled with awesome special effects that the entire family could potentially enjoy.

 The Big Question:

So what is the big fuss over the film? Well, the focus on the film is completely based upon the use of witchcraft and wizardry. However, the “witchcraft” in the film is not real witchcraft. The spells that are used in the film you cannot find within the pages of any real practicing witches book. No, the spells are simply Latin words strung together to sound like spells. So should Christians watch this film? I suppose that depends completely on one’s own personal conviction. There are elements of the film that Christians should definitely be wary of. One of those being that the film is completely based around the use of witchcraft and wizardry. However, I think there is something deeper that Christians need to be wary of and that is the different messages that the film is giving. One overriding theme in the movie but is subtly hidden by the genre is that witchcraft and wizardry is fun and opens up new doors of possibilities. While this message is ok from an imagination stand-point things begin to get a little hairy from a realistic Biblical teaching stand-point. The Bible clearly states that witchcraft is one of the acts of the sinful nature. Throughout the Bible, there are very clear boundary lines given and witches in the Bible are killed regularly by command of God. Verses in Timothy tell the reader to avoid every kind of evil.

So what is my recommendation? First, I do not recommend this film for any young children that do not yet possess the ability to separate what is real and what is fictional Witchcraft in the context of our world is a very real thing and something that Christians must be wary of. Secondly, if you or your child are simply unable to separate the fictional elements of this film or any other film from what reality is I do not recommend this film. Third and finally, if you have strong convictions against movies such as the Chronicles of Narnia, or Lord of the Rings because of their magic usage I do not recommend this film. However, if you are looking for a family film for a slightly older age group that has elements of fantasy and imagination this may be the film for you. My recommendation is that this film not be shown to anyone under the age of 13. And as always if you have reservations I recommend screening the film prior to showing it to your kids so you can decide for yourself if you believe your children are of the appropriate age to watch this.

1 comment:

  1. "While this message is ok from an imagination stand-point things begin to get a little HAIRY from a realistic Biblical teaching stand-point."
    haha I see what you did there. Adding some humor always gets points in my books ;)

    Thanks for the review; I thought it was well done.


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